
Data Governance Adoption Benefit Model

Expected effort in time and resources invested in a data governance programme vs expected benefits

A data governance programme is expected to involve more resource effort in the initial phase but this effort decreases over time as process adoption continues and recurring issues are dealt with

It is important that data culture and other strategically important components of a data governance programme are prioritised for delivery otherwise the benefit cross over point may be pushed in the last phase of delivery

The management effort into handing data governance issues would be less as compared to the effort required in the initial part of the programme but without any intervention, the expected effort to continue with the current path will keep on increasing with increased business volumes. 

Data Governance Adoption Benefit Model

  • terms of time and resources
  • As the programme matures, the benefits start to increase until a point after which, they start to outweigh the effort in the programme
  • Non-prioritization of strategic initiatives such imbedding data culture early, training and people-centric processes can have serious consequences for the programme. This can result in delayed benefits and can lead to questions about the impact of the programme.
  • The current effort of handling / remediating data governance pain points would be less than the effort required at the start of the programme however, without a robust data governance programme, the current effort will likely keep on increasing with the increasing size of the business without any benefits of a data governance programme / framework


Major Categories of Benefits